All About Cheap Web Hosting

Posted on 8:26 AM by FeZaL

The term cheap web hosting bears two different perceptions. Often the hosting companies are confused on whether to call their services cheap or not as it may sound to be of low quality by some. Yet the number of searches conducted everyday on Google and other search engines with the keywords ?cheap web hosting? is so massive that companies just can?t ignore this way of getting attention.

The aggressive competition in the hosting industry has led to the advertising of extremely cheap web hosting plans as a means to gain new customers.

The overall increase in the volume of the hosting industry has also made it possible for companies to achieve economies of scale with ease and thus offer services at lower rates. Fueling the growth in demand of hosting services are websites that are not only meant to market products and services, but information based websites whose source of primary income is online advertising income. The latter is a large base of Internet publishers that participates in advertising revenue sharing programs like Adsense, Chitika etc. The publishers often start with a small website and only have the means of buying cheap web hosting services for establishing their basic Internet presence.

Unfortunately, you get what you pay for stands true for cheap web hosting services too. The most basic problem and the reason why these companies are able to afford customers at such low price, is that these companies place too many websites on one shared server. While it is normal to have many websites on a shared server, but there?s an optimal limit, which would be based on the hardware profile of that server. Very often this limit is exceeded by cheap web hosting companies resulting in slow access, or intermittent downtime for their customer?s websites.

Cheap web hosting services also have problems with providing speedy customer support and telephone support is mostly inexistent.

Another key point is that many of the tempting cheap web hosting deals start to loose their attraction once your requirements increase. Because you will realize that these companies try to over charge any add-ons you may require later on. Quality hosting companies will not only offer free extra?s like pre-installed scripts, database connections etc but will have more economical pricing for add-ons too.

In the long run, it is much better to move away from any of the cheap web hosting provider you are hosting with and move on to a business hosting firm. This will ensure that you have better hosting tools and features at your disposal. You will also enjoy better customer service from a company that is able to hire staff with high technical expertise. What more, your website visitors will enjoy faster access speeds and great uptime.

2 Response to "All About Cheap Web Hosting"

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